My 5 Favorite Ways to Sneak in Reading Time

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I love to read. That might be an understatement. I LOVE to read.

As in, I read 120 books in 2020. Now, I know the number of books read is not the only (or maybe even the best) metric. I’m a naturally fast reader, and I actually bemoan the fact that I read so rapidly, because I don’t retain much of what I read.

But I do really love it.

My first email address had “bookworm” in the title. Really, it did. No, I don’t still use it.

I read more in some seasons than in others (like when it’s cold or rainy or dark, or basically just not pleasant enough to do anything else— which, in Minnesota, encompasses whole months of the year.

I also read to escape, so when things are particularly stressful, hectic, or crazy-feeling, I want to take a break with a book to focus on a story that isn’t mine for a while.

At the same time, there are seasons when life is too busy to read much, or when other hobbies take up more of my time. But I love it so much that I can’t just give it up completely. So I’ve found some ways to sneak some book time into my life, and I thought I would share them with you.

Now is when you might be saying that you can’t read much because [fill in the blank with your excuse].

  • you have little kids who demand all of your attention

  • you have a baby keeping you awake all night and can’t keep your eyes open to read

  • you’re shuttling humans around to activity after activity and never sit down long enough in one spot to read a book

  • you work two (or more!) jobs, with weird hours or long hours and just don’t have time

  • you read a bunch of books that just weren’t for you, and now you’re bored with the idea of picking up another

  • you have a long commute that sucks up all your potential reading time

  • you spend your evenings making dinner, paying bills, walking the dog, and doing laundry— who has time for any hobbies?

YOU. You have time. I promise you. It just might have to be found creatively. And/or in chunks. Here’s what I mean.

  • read books out loud to your kids (depending on their ages, of course— I’m not telling you to read inappropriate material or spend all your time reading Goodnight Moon)

  • listen to an audiobook whenever you would normally listen to the radio or have tv going in the background, like on your commute or while cleaning your house or making dinner

  • meal prep on the weekend so you have twenty minutes of extra time to read on a Tuesday afternoon because your veggies are already washed and cut and your meat’s already marinating

  • create a specific “family reading time” where everyone picks up their own book to read (or look at, for little ones) for a specific time— bonus, it encourages young readers to explore their own book interests!

  • join a book club or do a buddy read with a friend where you talk about the book as you read it— either one will compel you to read books outside of your typical comfort zone and will hold you accountable

  • search for books you wouldn’t have otherwise picked up to help get out of a reading rut

I’m not saying your excuses aren’t valid, I’m just saying maybe you’re giving them too much power over your life.

These are some of my favorite ways to sneak in some reading time when life feels full:

  1. Listening to an audiobook on my way to the grocery store, as I’m filling my cart, checking out, and driving back home. In a good trip, I can get a solid hour and a half of listening done this way.

  2. Reading while I eat. I know this sounds antisocial, but my coworkers and I typically eat alone since we take shifts covering for each other, so I read while I eat. It’s a better use of my time than scrolling through my phone.

  3. Turning off the tv to read for twenty (or even thirty!) minutes before bed. This one takes more discipline if I’m binge-watching a show I really like, but it is always worth it!

  4. When I’m running or biking. Sometimes it’s a podcast, but I also like audiobooks this way. They keep me engaged enough to not focus on the burn in my legs. :)

  5. When I’m washing dishes, cleaning the house, or making dinner. It helps to have wireless headphones, but I really find it makes the time go by faster if I’m listening to something I enjoy!

What are YOUR favorite ways to sneak some book time into your life? And have you been reading anything good lately? Let’s share book recs!

Later, lovely!Jessie.png