What I Can Do

Do you ever get tripped up complaining about how things aren't going the way you want them to? Wishing things could just be different? I do.

I find myself listing off things that aren't the way I'd like them to be in a perfect world. But, in case you weren't already aware, our world isn't perfect.

And worse, it isn't at all productive to just sit and stew in the midst of a pity party, feeling sorry for myself because things aren't being handed to me on silver platters.

I'm trying instead to ask myself a follow-up question. When I begin to think, 'I wish this was different,' I probe further to ask, 'What can I do about that?'

Can I change the situation?

Can I change my expectations?

Can I do something to prevent it from reoccurring?

Can I react better?

Can I put on my big girl pants and just deal?

Asking myself what I can do about a situation is productive. It takes the blame off the shoulders of others and puts the responsibility on mine. But it doesn't burden me with unnecessary worries about things I can do nothing to change.

Sometimes challenges seem really, really intimidating, and I think I'm incapable of doing anything to make a difference. But when I take a moment to think about it, there are little things I can do to make small differences.

I can't wipe out hunger, but I can donate money and pack some meals with organizations that serve the hungry.

I can't magically transform the atmosphere of my workplace, but I can choose to be positive regardless of the negativity around me.

I can't resolve the refugee crisis, but I can support organizations who are working on it.

I can't stop child labor, pollution, or animal testing, but I can buy products from companies that are sustainable and responsible.

I can choose love. I can choose hope. I can choose faith, perseverance, and humble service.

There are times when I can't do much of anything except trust that things will work out. There are times when I can only have faith that God will carry me through, believing that He's doing something even when I can't understand it.

My job is just to trust. To trust and do my part to make the world (or at least my little corner of it) a better place. And I do that by living like love, pursuing joy, and having faith through it all that while my abilities are limited, there's nothing my God cannot do.


What are you reminding yourself that you can do today?



Further reading:

How We Can Love Refugees Today- List of Organizations by Jennie Allen


Image source: Kathy Jeffords, The Dreamy Giraffe