June 2017 Favorites

I thought it would be fun if I took a moment each month to let you know what things are currently striking my fancy, so here goes the June installment! [This post contains affiliate links. If you purchase items through my link, I will receive a small commission.]

Current favorites:

Book: I finally read Tsh Oxenreider's At Home in the World, and I loved it! Now, that wasn't really a surprise, considering her book Notes from a Blue Bike practically changed my life (that's not an understatement). It's what started me on the simplifying/minimalist/intentional living path. Thanks for all your words of wisdom, Tsh!

Quote: "...joy is the infallible sign of the presence of God." -Madeleine L'Engle. Isn't that just lovely?

TV Show: I finished One Tree Hill this month, and was really sad when it was over. I also watched the new season of Sherlock, and it was so good! I'm also re-watching Heartland, which I adore. It's just so sweet and simple, in the best possible way.

Song: Run Wild by For King & Country. I really love all of their music, but I was reminded when my family went to a music festival earlier in the month just how much I love the message of this song! It covers all the essential motivations I need in my everyday life-- run wild, live free, love strong.

Food: I've just been loving berries this month! Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries-- bring them on!

App/website: Buffer/Tailwind. I have been loving these apps and websites! I've had accounts for a while, but have been making better use of them lately. They allow you to schedule your Instagram posts, Facebook posts, and Pinterest pins for optimum visibility and primetime scheduling (and to help you to not forget to post). Tailwind also lets you save frequently-used hashtags and curated hashtag lists for quick captioning! There's a free trial option that I've almost burned through, and I'm trying to figure out which one I'll keep using (or if I'll try a different one-- suggestions are welcome!).

Memory from this month: The paperback version of my book Ready, Set...Now What? came out on Amazon this month! It was so exciting!

I also got to celebrate the marriage of two of my friends, and it was so much fun! The wedding was held at a gorgeous county park, everyone looked beautiful, I saw some old friends, and we danced the night away!

Looking forward to next month: One of my dear college roommates is getting married next month, and I'm so excited to celebrate with her! On top of the joy of getting to be part of her special day, it will also be a roommate reunion, and I cherish those!

We have a bachelorette party for her in July, too-- a weekend getaway at a cabin. It's something I've really been looking forward to. I've been working with a couple other college roommates to plan it, and we're getting more and more excited as the weekend nears.

And last but certainly not least, I'm launching my course Discovering and Living Your Purpose next month! I'm so, so, so excited about it, you guys! It's all about figuring out who you are, what you're good at, and how to live a one-of-a-kind life that matters! And I'm currently accepting beta-testers for two more days, so reach out to me if you're interested! You'd get an amazing 75% discount, and you'd be able to help me shape the course by providing feedback, because you'd get exclusive access to the course before it's open to everyone else! Watch my video for more information.


What were some of your favorite things this month? I'd love to hear from you in the comments!