February Favorites

I thought it would be fun if I took a moment each month to let you know what things are currently striking my fancy, so here goes the February installment! Current favorites:

Book: Daring Greatly by Brené Brown. I'm not more than a few chapters into this book, and I'm intentionally reading it slower than I typically do. I want to give myself ample time to soak up her wise words that pierce to the heart of what it means to be vulnerable. I have underlined something on nearly every page, and I find myself thinking about shame, scarcity, and vulnerability as I go through my daily life. I would definitely recommend it!

Verse: "Dear brothers, is your life full of difficulties and temptations? Then be happy, for when the way is rough, your patience has a chance to grow. So let it grow, and don't try to squirm out of your problems. For when your patience is finally in full bloom, then you will be ready for anything, strong in character, full and complete." -James 1:2-4, Living Bible translation. I've always loved this verse, but this particular translation really hit me. We're called to not try to squirm, to work our way out of and avoid, the difficult experiences of life. We're to be happy when the road is rough, because it provides necessary resistance training, building up our character.

Food: Tuscan pesto veggie quinoa bake? Chipotle sweet potato burritos with green rice? Chickpea bolognese with zoodles! Slow-roasted tomatoes & farro? I went a little crazy making food to take on a weekend trip to visit my friends at my alma mater in La Crosse and then several days staying away from my kitchen while I watched a cat and condo for someone else. I may or may not have gone a wee bit too far, but now I have a wonderful assortment of food to choose from every day!

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy just started back up, and I'm eagerly awaiting this week's episode after catching a recording of the premiere this weekend. I knew it was going to be intense, but I was quickly swept up in the drama and loving every minute of it.

Song: "It's Not Over Yet" by For King and Country. I love the encouragement embedded in the lyrics of this song, reminding me that no matter what challenge I'm facing, I am not defeated. I can, by God's grace and strength, get back up and keep fighting.

Oh, to everyone who's hit their limit, it's not over yet, it's not over yet, and even when you think you're finished, it's not over yet, it's not over yet

Keep on fighting, out of the dark and into the light, hope is rising, never give in, never give up, it's not over

Memory from last month: My cousin's little boy turned two, and we had a blast celebrating! I asked if I could help with some of the party prep since I was practically going into party-planning withdrawal after my Christmas party (post to come soon hopefully over on Tales of a Fledgling Event Planner). The theme was trains, and it was truly so much fun to get to look up recipes and decorations and then pull it all together.

Now it's your turn. What are some of your favorite things? I'd love to hear them!