August 2017 Favorites

I thought it would be fun if I took a moment each month to let you know what things are currently striking my fancy, so here goes the August installment!

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Current favorites:


I finally read The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins (I know, I'm behind the times, but that's what happens when your to-read list is hundreds of titles long and you rely mainly on the library to supply your book addiction), and I got sucked right into it! I finished Shauna Niequist's Present Over Perfect that I was reading last month, and it was so good! So contemplative, introspective, and honest. I also read Anna Kendrick's Scrappy Little Nobody, which I thought was poignant and laugh-out-loud funny at times (although also uncomfortably open and honest about some personal details at times).


"If we're going to bring forth creative work into the world, we have to be able to discern the difference between sacred waiting and scared waiting." - Emily P. Freeman. Whoa. How often do we wait because we're just scared? (You don't have to answer that; I know I don't want to admit it.) Food for thought, for sure!

TV Show:

While working on house projects, I started re-watching Kimmy Schmidt in preparation for watching the third season I hadn't watched yet. It made for perfect pump-up music to keep me going when I started losing steam painting cabinets.


"What Ifs" by Kane Brown (featuring Lauren Alaina). This song is just so catchy! I also like how it makes me think about how often I ask all the negative "what if" questions in life, but not necessarily the positive ones. It's a good reminder that things can just as easily go well as they can not, so why not hope for the best?!


Aldi had Halo Top ice cream!!!! Two of my favorite things-- Aldi and Halo Top-- met! My life is complete. Okay, that's maybe a bit overdramatic, but it made me really happy. I immediately texted my sister to tell her because I was so excited.

I also made some delicious garlic basil shrimp farrotto (the leftovers of which I finished this week, which made me sad because it's gone). But I think my favorite dish this month was a pizza I made based on this recipe for summer squash pizza. I burned my mouth on it because I couldn't wait to devour it, but it was completely worth it! And a friend and I made a delicious cheese ravioli dish with ALL THE VEGETABLES (think zucchini, bell peppers, onion, tomato (I know, technically a fruit), and more). So good!


I've been binge-listening (is that a thing? If not, I just made it one!) to Annie F. Downs's podcast That Sounds Fun, and it's so great! I actually have been laughing out loud or trying to stifle a laugh at my desk as I listen to it because she and her guests are just so hilarious!


My friend Alessandra created a program called Deserve to Thrive, and I am so honored to have been included in providing some content for the course! The entire program is fantastic, and I support it with my whole heart (which you guys know; otherwise, I wouldn't be promoting it!). Check it out!

Memories from August:

In August, I painted my kitchen cabinets, which desperately needed to be painted, and they look so much better! I'm so proud of them. The final straw was inviting over some family members who had never seen the house before, and knowing that I would be so much prouder of it if I could fit in that one additional project.

I also got to spend the better part of a weekend visiting one of my college roommates, and it was so good to get to catch up with her! We painted pottery, went for a long walk with her golden retriever, made delicious food, watched a quintessential rom-com, and talked all about our lives.

Looking forward to in September:

I'm launching my course Discovering and Living Your Purpose next month)! I'm so, so, SO excited about it, you guys! It's all about figuring out who you are, what you're good at, and how to live a one-of-a-kind life that matters! Watch my video for more information.

What were some of your favorite things this month? I'd love to hear from you in the comments!