7 Ways to Read More

Processed with VSCO with c1 preset Nothing compares to books when it comes to opening our eyes to new perspectives, new information, learning new skills, and escaping to other worlds.

But in the busyness of life it's easy to think that we just don't have time to read.

I've been working to read more, and I've found some helpful tips for getting more reading into my daily life.

Check books out from the library. One deterrent to reading more can be the cost of books. Even if they're not individually expensive, the total adds up quickly. But books, audiobooks, and ebooks can be checked out from the library to lighten the load on our wallets.

Listen to audiobooks when you can't otherwise be reading. If you have a long enough commute or find yourself doing household chores for a while, adding an audiobook can be a good way to get more books in during your normal routine. They typically take longer to get through than reading the printed book would, so I suggest listening to them when you can't read a print book.

Mix up the medium. I love a good old hardcover book, or even a paperback. There's nothing like flipping through the pages and holding the book in your hand. But sometimes it's not the most practical option, especially if you're traveling. Reading some ebooks can be more convenient, and even if you don't have an e-reader, you can add the Kindle app to your smartphone or device of choice.

Read more than one book at a time. This can either work really well or not at all, depending on your reading style and the types of books you choose. I recommend choosing books that are dramatically different from one another so you don't start confusing them. You can pick different time periods, subject matter, genres, and mix nonfiction with fiction. Then if you hit a wall with one, you can switch to the other for a break.

Read in the little moments. Carry a book or Kindle (or device with the Kindle app) with you so you can pick it up when you have a few minutes to kill waiting in line or before your next appointment. The small amounts of time add up, and you'd be surprised how much it can contribute to reading more books!

Be okay with giving up on books that aren't right for you. If you get stuck reading a book you're not very invested in, it will likely cause you to put off reading that book or any other. If you read more things that interest you, you're more likely to keep reading.

Track your reading to know what types of books you like and get recommendations. I use Goodreads to keep track of what I'm reading, what I've read, and what I want to read. It's a good way for me to keep tabs on books falling into these categories, and I like that I can write a review to remember why I did or didn't like a particular book. I also like that Goodreads gives recommendations based on what I'm interested in. Between that and Modern Mrs. Darcy's podcast and blog, my to-read list is truly never going to end!


Are you an avid reader? What do you do to get more reading in? Do you have any book suggestions? I'd love to hear them!