I get it.

you're busy. you feel like there’s never enough time to cook.

cooking real food seems to take too much energy, time, and money.

you want meals to be easy, healthy, to fit in your budget, and be managed without stress.


Whether you’re cooking for one or for eight, making food every week can feel daunting. Maybe you’ve asked yourself some of these common questions:

How do I satisfy picky eaters or work with food sensitivities?

What do I do with all the leftovers to keep the food from going bad or keep from having to eat the same thing day after day and getting bored?

How do I make the time to cook when I work full-time and still want to have a life?


What if making food was simple, fast, and fun?

Imagine your life looked like this instead:

  • you don’t stress about what to make for dinner because your meal planning process is simple & repeatable

  • you don’t stress about spending too much on groceries because you have a budget you can stick to

  • you don't have to worry about not having enough time to cook because you take care of the bulk of the work up front and free up time during the week

  • you have greater peace of mind and can finally relax, knowing you’re feeding yourself and your family more nutritious meals

  • you waste less food because you grocery shop with a list based on a plan, which also makes the process faster!

By the time you've finished this course, you will...

  • have planned out breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snacks for 3 months

  • have recipes that fit your schedule and preferred difficulty level, meaning you don’t have to stress about not being a professional chef or cooking around a full-time job

  • have created an inventory list to keep track of what you have on hand so you know what to buy and don’t run out of staple supplies

  • have a grocery list put together to make all the meals on your meal plan without panicking about forgetting anything or stressing about the cost

  • have begun a tracking system that allows you to compare prices at your local stores to take advantage of lowest prices

  • have an arsenal of recipes, substitution lists, and money-saving tips to guide you



You'll have more time for Friday night movies with your family.

You can finally get that coffee date or eat out intentionally.

You can eat dinner at a more reasonable time and eat more leisurely because you’re not in a rush.

You can finally have time to read that book that's been sitting on your nightstand for weeks!

You can sleep.

You can see your savings grow because you’re not overspending on groceries or last-minute eating out fallback plans.

You can devote more hours to fun things with your family instead of slaving away in the kitchen!



how does that sound? life-changing? it will be!

Stop just wishing you could have a less stressful cooking situation!

Stop panicking about dinner every day, feeling guilty for either making fast food runs or frozen backup meals because you didn’t plan!

You can waste less food, spend less time in the kitchen, eat more healthfully, save money, and get more quality time with your family!

Are you ready to gain that freedom today?

You can enroll in the program and start pursuing it right now!


  • Meal Planning Mastery: teaching you how to effectively plan 3 months of meals for you and your family

  • Meal Prepping Mastery: showing you how to batch cook, complete the majority of the work up front, and cut out cooking time during the week

  • Shopping Tips & Tricks: sharing with you the BEST tips, tricks, and resources to make meal planning and prepping easier than ever, to help you save time and money and eat healthier!

  • monthly meal planning worksheets (including an example monthly meal plan to get you started)

  • weekly meal planning worksheets

  • grocery list worksheets

  • kitchen inventory worksheets

  • price tracker worksheets

  • budgeting worksheet

  • ingredient substitution cheatsheet

  • product recommendation cheatsheet

  • an inside look at my exact meal planning method

  • a full meal prep recipe index with 200 ideas for breakfasts, soups, pastas, salads, cookies, and more!


About Me

I'm Jessie, and I'm a Simplicity Strategist, empowering and encouraging busy women to create lives and homes they LOVE by designing them with joy, simplicity, and intention so they can have the FREEDOM and FLEXIBILITY they crave! I believe we were all created for a purpose, and that purpose should fuel our actions and decisions in our personal lives and in our work!

I’m all about doing more of what you love, investing in what matters most to you, serving others with your gifts and skills, leveraging systems and routines to simplify your work, home, and life, and doing everything possible to reduce your stress and increase your joy along the way!

I provide tools and trainings to help women through mindset blocks, goal setting, decluttering, organizing, time management, productivity, meal planning, and using their unique blend of skills and personality to serve others!

You can read more about me here

What others are saying about me and my work

If you have the chance to work with Jessie, you should take it! I came to Jessie because I was having mental blocks about how to proceed forward in my business. Jessie was attentive during my coaching calls, she helped me uncover what was preventing me from moving forward, and she so sweetly continued to follow up with me to ensure I was making progress. I’ve absolutely loved every minute working with Jessie.
— Amber
[Jessie] has never been content with staying in the mundane, however safe it may feel. She pushes herself to find what makes her happy regardless of what her friends, family, or society may think. I admire her own journey towards finding her niche in this world and using her God-given talents in a way that can truly impact others. I love that she doesn’t just give advice but she truly lives it out herself. She has been there, struggled through it, and has found her way.
— Kelsey
Uncertain? Frustrated? Scared? Stuck? You’re not alone! Jessie helps her readers take an honest look at where they are in life and challenges them to start thinking about where they want to be. In Ready, Set...Now What? she navigates through topics such as passions, purposes, and values, just to name a few— for a practical and fun process of gaining clarity in your personal life journey. [review from my book, Ready, Set...Now What? Discovering Your Identity, Gifts, and Purpose in the Real World]
— Laura

Grab your seat in the course now!

Start creating a customized meal plan for your family today!

I want to save time starting today!

mastering meal prep.png

you can start spending more time with your family today!

By enrolling in this course, you will get all the tools and tutorials you need to create a meal plan that gives you more time outside the kitchen starting right now!

Claim my spot now!




Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:

When does the course start and finish?

The course starts as soon as you enroll and never ends (though it is designed to be completed in a week or less)! It is a completely self-paced online course-- you decide when you start and when you finish.

How long do I have to access the course?

How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like-- across any and all devices you own.

Do I have to be a good or experienced cook?

No, there are recipe ideas for cooks of all experience levels, so there’s something for everyone!

I’m on a restricted diet (paleo, keto, vegetarian, vegan, etc). Will this work for me?

Yes! This meal prep course is designed for people of all diets! The recipes are tagged (to the best of my ability) with the diets they comply with, and you can always branch out to apply the methods to other recipes you love!

What about picky kids? Feeding them is hard.

Many of the recipes included in the course are picky-eater friendly, and you can always apply the methods in the course to other recipes you love! There are tips for cooking for picky eaters in the program, too.

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Start saving time and energy on your cooking today!

Stop spending all your time in the kitchen, trying to cook healthy meals around a busy schedule.

Learn how to strategize and simplify your approach so you can have more time to do what matters most to you-- starting today!